Праћењем духовног, културно-историјског и уметничког развоја града, у Збирци за културу и књижевност се сакупило близу 3000 предмета: фотографија, албума, рукописа, преписки, позивница, програма, листова, плаката, часописа и других предмета који су припадали истакнутим Београђанима, њиховим породицама, као и предмети везани за догађаје и чланове краљевских породица од почетка ХХ века.
We invite you to take a look at the objects from Literature and Culture collection.
You can view other objects owned by Belgrade City Museum’s other collections and institutions in our digital depot.
Погледајте Музеј Иве Андрића и упознајте се са животом и делом лауреата Нобелове награде за књижевност.
Branislav Nušić (1864–1938) was a dramatist, a writer of comedies, essays and travelogues, journalist, diplomat of the Kingdom of Serbia, director of theatres in Belgrade, Skoplje, Sarajevo, and a versatile person that left a strong imprint in Belgrade’s life in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th century. His comedies are still often staged in Serbian theatres.
In the memory of her father, Branislav Nušić’s daughter, Gita Nušić-Predić, gifted to the Belgrade City Museum a part of his belongings: his study, the so-called Turkish Room, manuscripts, Branislav Nušić’s collected works, photographs, documents, a collection of caricatures, personal belongings, diplomas, decrees and orders.
Branimir Ćosić (1875–1934), a writer who formed himself in Belgrade’s cultural milieu, acs as a historical link between the generation of writers that gained prominence until 1912 and those who rose to the surface in 1920. At the same time, he also acts as a bridge between liberal bourgeois intellectuals and Belgrade’s Marxist intelligentsia. Although Branimir Ćosić’s literary opus is not extensive, his significance as a writer rests in his strong influence in various literary circles in Belgrade. The Legacy of Branimir Ćosić has been held by the Belgrade City Museum since 1947, when it was taken over from the Association of Writers of Serbia to become the property of the Museum. It includes 2,284 items, published in 1973. Along with Ćosić’s manuscripts, documents and photographs, the writer’s correspondence makes the major part of the Legacy. The writer destroyed a part of his manuscripts, a great deal of correspondence and all of his diaries in his lifetime, which remains an irrecoverable loss for Belgrade’s cultural history and the history of Serbian literature.