Museum Shell: three calls for projects for the building to house the Belgrade City Museum

  • Location: Belgrade City Museum, Resavska 40b
  • Date: May 4–25, 2017
  • Organisation:

    Belgrade City Museum and BINA

  • Impressum:

    Zlata Vuksanović Macura, PhD, and Angelina Banković, MA, authors of the exhibition

The exhibition presents three national architectural calls for projects organized in order to select the design of the new building of the Belgrade City Museum.

The museum was founded in 1903 and the issue of finding a building to house it permanently has remained open. The solution was sought for on many occasions and in different ways, including the three architectural calls for projects, which altogether involved 88 author teams.

The first call was organized in 1954, the second in 1976, and the last one was organized in 2016. In the former to calls, in 1954 and 1976, the concept was based on the idea of raising a new building for the Museum in the block between the streets of Kneza Mihaila, Kralja Petra, Uzun Mirkova and Pariska. However, none of these projects has ever been accomplished.

In 2016, the call also included a project design for the reconstruction of the building that had formerly housed Military Academy in Resavska Street No. 40b and its transformation into the Museum. The exhibition will present the original submitted projects and the course of all three calls for projects for the building to house the Belgrade City Museum.