Belgrade City Museum does not have a permanent exhibition space for displaying its rich collections. After a number of plans to secure a suitable permanent housing of the Museum have failed, it was allocated the building of the New Military Academy in No. 40b Resavska Street by the Belgrade City Assembly. The building is now being prepared to house the Museum.
Since its founding in 1903, several legacies of eminent Serbian artists and scientists have been donated or handed over for management to the Museum. They now house permanent exhibitions. The Museum also includes the Residence of Princess Ljubica, with the permanent exhibition The Interiors of 19th-Century Homes in Belgrade and the Zemun Home Museum.
The Residence of Princess Ljubica, the Museum of Ivo Andrić, the Archaeological Site of Vinča, the Museum of Paja Jovanović, the Collection of Icons Sekulić and the Museum of the Banjica Concentration Camp are open for visits.
The Zemun Home Museum, the Museum of Jovan Cvijić, the Museum of Toma Rosandić and the Mladenovac Home Museum are currently closed, awaiting reconstruction.
Музеј града Београда и Народна банка Србије
Јелена Васић Деримановић, ауторка изложбе; Зорица Нетај, ликовно-графичко решење каталога; др Емилија Николић, дизајн изложбеног ентеријера; Добрила Ствановић, дизајн изложбених паноа
Музеј града Београда и Музеј примењене уметности
Аутори изложбе: Јелена Пераћ, Владимир Томић и Дејан Вукелић